Tiger Beach 2016 in a Nutshell
Another killer week with tigers, lemons, reef sharks, nurse sharks and a couple of shy great hammerheads!
Rather than blathering on about how insanely sharky it was, I’ve loaded a picture with a caption from each dive of the trip. As the saying goes, a picture paints a thousand words …
DIVE 1: First dip at Tiger Beach. Lemons were waiting and two tigers arrived almost immediately. That was a good sign! 🙂
DIVE 2: Dropped in just before dusk. Four tigers swimming around us already and we haven’t even started feeding them yet!
DIVE 3: First dive at Fish Tales. Lots of Caribbean reef sharks, lemon sharks, clear water, no currents, first tiger at the end.
DIVE 4: Two tigers on the first feed today. There was a little confusion about what was on the menu!
DIVE 5: The tigers are here! Five rather aggressive tiger sharks. The feeders aboard the Dolphin Dream did an awesome job of keeping them in line. LOL

DIVE 6: Five tigers and the feed. Crazy currents made it tough to stay in position.
DIVE 7: Three tigers hanging around the reef even though we didn’t bring any bait with us.
DIVE 8: Five tigers on the feed. No one is even vaguely tired of seeing them yet 🙂
LEMON SNAP SESSION 1: Jumped in with lemons to snap a few shots from their perspective 🙂
DIVE 9: Night dive exploring the reef. We never feed at night but one small tiger named Jitterbug showed up anyway to keep us company.
DIVE 10: Dove a new site for me named Mountains. Absolutely beautiful reef with a resident population of reef sharks. Super healthy coral walls dripping with enormous gorgonians.
DIVE 11: Zipped back to Fish Tales for a late afternoon feed with four beefy tigers. Stay off the grass!
DIVE 12: Great feed with four tigers plus a fifth that showed up just before we surfaced.
DIVE 13: No feeding but we still attracted six or seven tigers to Fish Tales plus a great hammerhead fly by in the distance. Spent about 30 minutes waiting for this hermit crab to come out of his shell 🙂
LEMON SNAP SESSION 2: Great session in flat calm seas. Getting shots like this was a snap! lol

DIVE 14: 4 tigers no food. I am still in awe every time one swims past me. Its easy to forget about the reef sharks but they’re beautiful too and formidable when the moment strikes them.
DIVE 15: Could only get six in a fame but there were SEVEN tiger sharks on this dive!
DIVE 16: 4 well behaved tiger sharks and another fly-by from a great hammerhead.
DIVE 17: 3 Tigers on the reef during the last hoorah!