World Class Big Animal Encounters


Whale Shark Expedition

Photo © Andy Murch


Tiger Shark Diving

Photo © Andy Murch


American Crocodiles

Photo © Andy Murch


Polar Bears

Photo © Mario Magri


Oceanic Whitetip Sharks

Photo © Andy Murch

Embrace your Wild Nature!

We deliver intimate encounters with nature’s most iconic animals. From apex marine predators to gentle great apes, our expeditions create life changing experiences that you’ll never forget. Join us on one of our world class shark diving or terrestrial big animal photography expeditions and we bet you come on another!
Diving with a large tiger shark at Tiger Beach.


Whether you want to float within touching distance of a whale shark the size of a school bus, stare into the eyes of a five meter tiger shark as it cruises towards you over the reef, or feel the warm breath of a silverback gorilla against your skin, we want to put you there. Why? because, that is exactly where we want to be too!

Diving with Anacondas in Brazil.


Some of our expeditions are classics like world famous Tiger Beach and the Sardine Run and others are off-the-beaten-path adventures like our endemic shark safari in Japan or our Anaconda Diving Trip in Brazil. Whichever adventure you join first, you will soon see that we try to cram every encounter we can into our trips.

over under lemon snaps at Tiger Beach


Big Fish Expeditions Founder Andy Murch has spent the last three decades chasing big animals all over the world. Few people have Andy’s knowledge and the organizational skills necessary to put together a professional expedition. Have a look through some of the comments from our guests: testimonials

Snorkeling Expeditions

Snorkel with Whale Sharks. Witness the largest aggregation of the largest fish in the world.
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Free dive with blue sharks and makos; the world’s fastest shark!
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Snorkel with the largest animal that has ever lived!
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Come face to face with friendly pods of Belugas; the world’s friendliest whales!
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Snorkel with orcas and humpback whales during the Norwegian herring run.
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Snorkel with humpback whale mothers and calves in the crystal clear waters of Rurutu.
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Snorkel with Pink River Dolphins in the Rio Negro in Amazonia.
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Gaze into the eye of an enormous Southern Right Whale calf in Patagonia.
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Snorkel with the Great White Shark’s cold water cousin in Alaska.
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Watch thousands of dolphins, sharks, and gannets hunting sardines on the world famous Sardine Run.
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Snorkel with 1.5m long giant salamanders; the largest amphibians in the world!
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SCUBA Diving Expeditions

11 night shark diving adventure with 10+ shark species  including tiger sharks, oceanic whitetip sharks, silkies, dusky sharks , reefies, blacknose, nurse sharks, lemons, bulls, and more!
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Dive with tiger sharks, lemon sharks, reef sharks, bull sharks, nurse sharks, and more at world famous Tiger Beach.
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The ultimate Great White Shark cage diving experience. Descend to watch white sharks approaching over the ocean floor.
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Dive with enormous great hammerheads, bull sharks, blacknose sharks, and more on our Bimini shark safari.
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Dive with Tiger Sharks at Tiger Beach, then move to Bimini to dive with Great Hammerheads on this 8 night liveaboard trip.
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Dive with hundreds of endemic Japanese hounsharks, bullhead sharks, wobbegongs, angelsharks, guitarsharks, stingrays, fan rays, butterfly rays, and more.
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Snorkel with Porbeagle Sharks and scuba dive with endemic catsharks on the reefs of Brittany.
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Dive with up to 12 species of endemic sharks in South Africa including sevengills, raggedtooth sharks, pyjama sharks, makos, blues, and many catshsark species.
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Dive with dolphins, sharks, and gannets hunting sardines on the world famous Sardine Run.
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Scuba dive with giant anacondas in the rivers of the Pantanal.
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Terrestrial Big Animal Adventures

Photograph the largest migration of Polar Bears in the world on the Canadian Tundra.
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An epic 11 day VIP photography tour with Bengal tigers, one horned rhinos, and so much more in Northern India.
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Trek with mountain gorillas, chimps, and many other primates, and see the ‘Big Five’ on safari in Uganda.
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Watch jaguars hunting caimans in the rivers of the Brazilian Pantanal.
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Photograph countless lemur species, bizarre chameleons, colorful frogs, endemic birds, and so much more in the jungles of Madagascar.
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Take Amazing Photographs


Photo © Andy Murch


Photo © Andy Murch


Photo © Andy Murch


Photo © Mario Magri


Photo © Andy Murch

You don’t have to be a photographer to enjoy our big animal encounters but if you are then lets face it, being there is only half the fun.
Any adventure travel company can put together an expedition but we want you to go home with incredible images.

First and foremost, our trips are fun and exciting but if you also want hands on camera coaching and if you want us to make sure that you’re in the right place at the right time to enjoy extraordinary, close-up encounters with iconic big animals, we can help with that. And we’ll have a great time in the process!

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Andy Murch

Andy Murch

Andy Murch is a fanatical big animal diver. He has photographed and dived with more sharks than anyone else, and uses his vast experience to create ground breaking adventures tailored to serious photographers and avid wildlife enthusiasts.

He created Big Fish Expeditions to share his love for big animals.
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In the Spotlight

Join Photo pro Andy Murch in the Canadian Tundra for a small group tour with the largest gathering of Polar Bears in the world. Read more

Laura Murch


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Predators in Peril

Predators in Peril

Andy is the driving force behind the PREDATORS IN PERIL PROJECT which shines a spotlight on endangered species of sharks and rays that are largely overlooked by mainstream conservation groups. Predators In Peril is funded by Big Fish Expeditions.

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