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Unforgettable Shark Diving and Big Animal Encounters

Location: Honshu Island, Japan

Japanese Shark Diving Expedition

Dive with the endemic sharks and rays of Japan

Shark diving in Japan.

Although largely undiscovered by international divers, Japan offers some of the best shark diving in the world!
The land of the rising sun has it all: dynamic shark feeds with hundreds of swarming houndsharks, natural encounters with schooling pelagic species, and fabulous reef dives with an incredible diversity of endemic sharks that you cannot see anywhere else on the planet.

Join Shark Photographer Andy Murch on Honshu Island to dive with hundreds of swirling Banded Houndsharks, plus Japanese Hornsharks, Japanese Angelsharks, Japanese Wobbegong Sharks, and many endemic ray species. Divers may also see Cloudy Angelsharks, Blotchy Swellsharks, and iconic pelagics such as Scalloped Hammerheads and Oceanic Blacktip sharks.


Scuba diving with Japanese sharks and rays.


March 23-29 FULL

$4195 per person double occupancy

$5100 single occupancy

Andy Murch

Japanese wobbegong diving



$4695 per person double occupancy

$5695 single occupancy

Andy Murch

Japanese horn shark or japanese bullhead shark


Two different comfortable hotels in Honshu Island, Japan

Open water certification required


  • 6 night’s double occupancy hotel accommodation
  • 3 dives per day in Chiba (2 days of diving)
  • 2 dives per day in Mikomoto Island (3 days of diving)
  • Private coach transfers between Tokyo, Chiba and Izu
  • Tanks and weights
  • Shark encounters with an experienced shark feeder
  • Japanese/English Interpreter


  • Personal dive equipment rental
  • Meals
  • Flights
Japanese Hornshark dive in Chiba, Japan.
Banded houndsharks

The most common shark species that you will see are banded houndsharks; a generally shy species that – over a period of years – have become used to human contact. When we conduct the shark feed, you can expect to see literally hundreds of Banded houndsharks in one small area. This is a dive not to be missed!

Japanese horn sharks

Another common shark on the reefs around Chiba is the Japanese horn shark. With a good guide and some observant hunting, his beautiful species can often be found hiding under ledges or sitting motionless in plain sight. This one is definitely not shy! Its super easy to close to this shark as sits patiently hoping to blend into its environment.

Blotchy swell sharks

More difficult to find than its horned cousin, the blotchy or Japanese swell shark is another slow moving species that likes to wedge itself under overhangs and inflate its belly with water so that it can’t be dislodged.

Japanese sleeper rays

This unusual little ray species lives on the sand in close proximity to reefs where it has a steady supply of prey species. Finding these pint sized predators can be a challenge because – with a flick of their pectoral fins – they can disappear under a fine layer of sand. Watch out where you are kneeling, this ray packed a serious electric punch even when under the sand.

Japanese wobbegong sharks

At Mikomoto we will focus on Japanese wobbegong sharks; a northern relative to the more common wobbegongs that are found around Australia. They are a migratory species that is easy to see during the winter months.

Two species of Japanese angel sharks

The Izu Peninsula is home to many Japanese angelsharks; another species that is only abundant in the winter. At Mikomoto we also have a chance to see cloudy angelsharks – a species that is seldom photographed at other dive sites in Japan.

Red stingray city!!

Perhaps even more abundant than the banded houndsharks, you will probably be bombarded by scores of red stingrays during the shark feeds in Chiba. Armed with sharp tail spines, these rays show up in droves hoping to sneak a scrap or two. Fortunately, they never use their barbs on divers unless you accidentally land on one!

Beautiful reefscapes packed with exotic species

If endless sharks sounds a little monotonous, its a quick kick into the lush soft coral reefs where a myriad exotic fish await! The diversity of species around Honshu Island is world class. From huge bristlechin fish to intricately patterned morays and rockfishes, there is enough life on these reefs to keep even the most jaded diver happy.

Shark diving in Japan with banded houndsharks.
Diving with sharks in Japan.

Photo © Andy Murch

Photo © Andy Murch

Photo © Andy Murch

Photo © Andy Murch

Photo © Andy Murch

Photo © Andy Murch

Photo © Andy Murch

Photo © Andy Murch

Diving with sharks in Japan
Diving with red stingrays in Japan
Diving with angelsharks in Izu, Japan.
Shark diving in Japan.
Photographing huge butterfly rays in Chiba, Japan.
Shark diving in Japan.


Day 1 After an easy 11am pick up in Tokyo, you will travel in our private group bus to the hotel in southern Chiba prefecture (about 3hrs by road). Once we check in we will visit the dive shop and arrange equipment before heading out for supper at a nearby restaurant.
Day 2 After a light breakfast, we will head out to sea for three banded houndshark dives. During the dives, we will spend some time exploring the reef in search of Japanese horn sharks and endemic other species.
Day 3 Three more sharky dives in Chiba. Then, we will pack up and relocate to the Izu Peninsula; about 5hrs by private bus. Dinner at a restaurant near Mikomoto Island in southern Izu.
Day 4 After breakfast, we will head out for two dives at Mikomoto Island in search of Japanese angel sharks, Cloudy angelsharks, Japanese wobbegongs and other endemic species.
Day 5 Second day of shark diving at Mikomoto Island photographing endemic japanese sharks.
Day 6 On our last day of shark diving we may return to Mikomoto Island or we may dive Izu Ocean Park to look for more sharks, plus Japanese monkfish.
Day 7 After a quick breakfast at the hotel in Shimoda, we will drive back to Tokyo, arriving around noon.
Photographing huge butterfly rays in Chiba, Japan.
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    Diving with Sharks in Japan.

    Delivering world-class wildlife encounters since 2010

    Big Fish Expeditions Founder Andy Murch has spent the last three decades chasing big animals all over the world. Few people have Andy’s knowledge and organizational skills necessary to put together a professional expedition. Have a look through some of the comments from our guests: testimonials.

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