SCUBA Diving Expeditions
Dive with tiger sharks, lemon sharks, reef sharks, bull sharks, nurse sharks, and more in world famous Tiger Beach.
The ultimate Great White Shark cage diving experience. Descend to watch white sharks approaching over the ocean floor.
Snorkel with Porbeagle Sharks and scuba dive with endemic catsharks on the reefs of Brittany.
Dive with up to 12 species of endemic sharks including sevengill sharks, raggedtooth sharks, blues, makos, many species of catsharks, and more in South Africa
Dive with enormous great hammerheads, bull sharks, blacknose sharks, and more on our Bimini shark safari.
11 night shark diving adventure with 10+ shark species including tiger sharks, oceanic whitetip sharks, silkies, dusky sharks , reefies, blacknose, nurse sharks, lemons, bulls, and more!
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Scuba dive with giant green anacondas and Jacare caimans in the rivers of the Pantanal.
The ultimate Great White Shark cage diving experience. Descend to watch white sharks on the ocean floor.