Great Hammerhead Shark Safari 2025 Trip Report

Day 1: Instant Hammerheads

Caribbean Reef Sharks

Monster Hammerheads
On our second morning we saw seven different great hammerheads, including Queen; an enormous 14.5ft female hammer that dominates the other sharks whenever she shows up.

Snorkeling with Stingrays

Blacknose Sharks

Oceanic Blacktip Sharks

Atlantic Spotted Dolphins
The next day, we awoke to great conditions and decided to head offshore looking for Atlantic Spotted Dolphins which are seasonally resident around Bimini. We caught up with a small pod in open water north of Bimini and after watching them play at the surface for a while, we jumped in and snapped some images. One took a shine to me and spiraled around me while I duck dove. He came so close that it was hard to fit him in the frame of my wide angle lens!

Thirteen Great Hammerheads!
We returned to the hammerhead grounds and hit the jackpot. Over the course of the afternoon, 13 different hammerheads showed up. It was the best session of the entire season. All the big players were there including Queen, Gaia, Atlas, and many more that have been named and studied by the Bimini Shark Lab.
Its been a few years since I saw this many hammerheads in Bimini, so its nice to know the great hammerhead population is still thriving. We did not see any tiger sharks this year, which may be why so many showed up; some of the more timid hammerheads probably stay away when there are tiger sharks in town.

Sharks on a Wreck
On our last morning we headed to a wreck near the hammer grounds. The crew took a bait crate down to the wreck and chummed for sharks while the guests went exploring. By the end of the dive, they had attracted a handful of nurse sharks, but no hammerheads. It was a long shot that one would swim by, but worth a try for the chance of getting interesting shots of a great hammerhead swimming over a sunken boat.

Blissful Hammerhead Diving
We spent our final afternoon back at the hammerhead site, blissfully snapping images of what is arguably the world’s most bizarre looking shark. Diving with Great Hammerhead Sharks never gets old!

Hammerheads and Tiger Shark Diving 2026
Join us next February for a combined liveaboard trip to Hammerhead Central (Bimini Island) and world famous Tiger Beach and take home images and memories of the two most icon sharks in the Bahamas: Tiger Sharks and Great Hammerheads Combo Trip